Katrat Al-Lolo Special Needs

The importance of work and employment for people with disabilities There is an erroneous assumption among people that a person with a disability is unable or unwilling to work. This assumption is due to the negative attitudes about the disability of people with disabilities and the bias against them as individuals, abilities, and citizens. This misconception may extend to be part of the thinking of some people with disabilities themselves, their families, and employers. Employment officials, however, such an assumption is not correct. People with disabilities, like other people, seem to want to work and want to be given the opportunity to practice work that is appropriate to their abilities, skills, and conditions of disability, with mutual understanding between the worker, the employer, and society. The importance of work for people with disabilities is concentrated in the following: :
First: For a person with a disability:
- Providing basic life requirements Work provides people with disabilities with an economic income that enables them to be self-reliant in providing basic needs for themselves and their families, thus contributing to a positive change in their lifestyle.
- Improving the possibilities of social integration Work contributes to improving opportunities for social inclusion of persons with disabilities in the general life of society, which reduces feelings of frustration and isolation, and contributes to building a family and an independent family.
- Self-esteem Work provides people with disabilities with the opportunity to prove themselves and feel useful through participation roles, and thus contributes to the development of a positive attitude for people with disabilities towards themselves and others.
- Improving general attitudes towards people with disabilities Employment of persons with disabilities provides an opportunity to interact with employers, colleagues, and the rest of the community, which contributes to improving their image as producers and participants in the production process, which is consequently reflected in society's attitudes towards people with disabilities, their needs, and their rights.
- Promote ambition and professional development Employment of persons with disabilities is beneficial in developing their capabilities and skills, in acquiring labor market experience and the requirements of good production, which can contribute to enhancing their professional and career aspirations towards developing their own projects or searching for opportunities for promotion and development in the field of work.
Second: With regard to the state and society:
- Confirm the principles of justice and equality Providing work for citizens, including people with disabilities, represents a commitment by the state to international standards and obligations related to human rights issues and the rejection of all forms of discrimination.
- Optimal investment of human resources Every person, with or without disability, possesses the capabilities and skills that qualify him to contribute to the implementation of jobs that are appropriate to his capabilities, and often the person with disabilities lacks the real opportunity that enables him to prove his eligibility for work, and here, the employment of people with disabilities confirms the state's commitment to investing all its human resources, including People with disabilities, by issuing and activating appropriate legislation and laws.
- Increasing national production Rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities contributes to improving the national economy and increasing national income, by employing them in productive businesses whose income achieves a kind of economic sufficiency for the person with disabilities and his family, and contributes to supporting the state budget through taxes, social security deductions and other contributions that supplement the national economy.
- Providing government support budgets The employment of persons with disabilities will provide a lot of subsidy allocations specified by law for the various segments of poverty and unemployment in society, including persons with disabilities, and usually such government obligations consume an important part of the national income of countries, and here, the rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities represents a real investment for the state from an economic perspective It is estimated that the state can recover the cost of its vocational rehabilitation and employment services for persons with disabilities in a period not exceeding five years, while it can benefit from their productivity for a period that may extend to thirty years, in addition to other social results.
- Achieve demographic balance between the countryside and the city Approximately 80% of persons with disabilities live in rural areas in developing countries that lack rehabilitation facilities and job opportunities, which causes waves of migration from the countryside to the city, with its accompanying social and economic problems. Such phenomena can be reduced by providing training and employment opportunities. For people with disabilities in their areas, and in this context, the community-based rehabilitation methodology comes to provide solutions to many rehabilitation and employment problems for people with disabilities in their communities through the optimal investment of available resources and support for the development of individual and group projects for job seekers with disabilities.
- Poverty alleviation, care programs and government support The disabled are considered one of the social groups targeted for governmental and private care and support programmes, and these programs often deplete a lot of resources, so that allocations for social welfare programs become a burden on the state and society. Hence, it may be best for the state, society and target groups alike, to direct Some resources towards development goals, specifically in the fields of improving training and employment opportunities and creating productive projects for people with disabilities, in a way that contributes to alleviating poverty and unemployment, supports national productivity and achieves social justice.
- Improving social awareness towards disability The success of employment programs for people with disabilities is an important factor in improving social attitudes towards people with disabilities, their abilities, and their work, and thus supports the efforts of the state and civil institutions to expand the circle of governmental and popular interest in this field, and helps in crystallizing legislation and laws that support measures to improve the reality of people with disabilities in life and work.
We will enable our children with disabilities to obtain job opportunities Appropriate education and education that guarantees their independence and integration as components Active in society, we will also provide them with all the facilities and tools that... Help them achieve success (Vision 2030) Caring for people with special needs in society and giving them rights that guarantee them a decent human life that enables them to integrate into society and benefit from their potential and abilities, whatever they may be. This will help in giving them self-confidence and society’s confidence in them, because the process of their integration into civil society makes them able to exercise their rights. In science and work
Pearl Drops Establishment for Subsistence Services
General Director
Sultan Ali Al-Siddiq
Because our Arab societies are societies that lack an understanding of those with limited abilities, whom we describe as people with special needs and the disabled, we may imagine that these people are not able to fulfill their personal needs, so how can they advance a nation? From this standpoint, we were keen to tell a number of stories of disabled people who were able. Im raising their communities high. The most prominent stories that tell the success of people with special needs
- Physicist Stephen Hawking He is one of the most important scientists in the field of theoretical physics. It was known that he suffers from motor nerve disease, and he was only twenty-one years old. Doctors told him that he was on the verge of death, but he did not surrender to death and studied and worked hard until he obtained a degree. The first honor from the University of Oxford. The distinguished scientist had very great abilities, including his enormous computational abilities. He also wrote many valuable books and research. He died at the age of seventy-two years.
- Ashish Goyal Ashish Goyal is the first blind person to achieve this success in the world of economics and financial markets. He was able to achieve this success despite the amount of frustration he faced in his life. He was even able to overcome all of this thanks to his extensive abilities and culture, which made him one of the most successful people. Personalities in this field, even international newspapers have spoken about his abilities.
- Conqueror of the Impossible, Mr. Ammar Boqas Professor Ammar Boqas was born with some birth defects, and his condition was diagnosed as one of the rare cases, and his life will end when he is eight years old, but he was able to confront his illness and challenge it, until he graduated from the university and reached the highest academic ranks, and then he was... He was appointed as a professor at the university and he wrote a number of books, including the book Conqueror of the Impossible, in which he talked about his ability to achieve success and challenge illness.
- Mustafa Sadiq Al-Rafi’i The wonderful Egyptian writer Mustafa Sadiq Al-Rafi’i, who suffered from a disease that caused him to lose his sense of hearing, to the point that he was unable to complete his education, and he stopped elementary school, and despite his deafness, he was able to write a large number of poetry collections, including the collection of looks, the poor, and others.
- Thomas Edison A name engraved from light in the history of science until now is Thomas Edison. He is credited with the invention of the camera, the electric light bulb, and other things. Edison was afflicted with deafness from an early age, and this was due to him being exposed to fever more than once, and despite this His name will never be forgotten by history.
Nine Applications That Help People with Special Needs
Be My Eyes
The Be My Eyes application is an integrated community that includes blind and visually impaired people and connects them with volunteers. The application includes several features, such as photographing anything in front of you that you need to know information about, and you place the image on the application, and you will find other people who will tell you all the information available about this thing, and you can put a picture T-shirt and ask them what color it is? You can take a picture of any device and ask them how do I use it? You will find the answer delivered to you via voice message.
You can also communicate with volunteers via voice or video calls within the application. Just select the topic you want to talk about to ensure that whoever responds to you can answer you correctly and help you with the information you need.
Speech to Text
The Speech to Text application is very great and suitable for blind or visually impaired people who need to send written messages through the mobile phone. The application is very easy, and its idea is that you record a message with your voice and it turns into a text. Of course, you can select the language you want, including Arabic, and after that you can send the message whether on WhatsApp, email, or Messenger, or share it on Facebook.
Learn Braille App
A beginner's guide that helps blind people who want to learn to read in the famous Braille method. The application is very easy to use, and follows you step by step from the beginning of teaching the letters, then the most famous words and how to read them, after that it provides you with some tests in order to make sure that you have understood the method.
Envision is an application for blind people who want to get down and out on their own and rely on themselves. Download the application on your mobile phone. It relies on the mobile camera and artificial intelligence technology. Anything you want to know, point the mobile camera at it, and you will hear a voice informing you of the nature of this thing. For example, if you enter its place, you can know who is sitting around you. You may also have recorded pictures of certain things, so as soon as the camera captures them, you will receive an alert that so-and-so is sitting next to you, or such-and-such thing. Is there in front of you.
The application can read PDF files and even handwritten files, allowing you to easily identify anything written on road signs, or the name of a store that you can easily recognize, and of course it is available in about 60 languages.
Accessible Places
The Accessible Places application is for those who suffer from mobility disabilities and depend on wheelchairs, and who always suffer from a major problem in the availability of places qualified to serve individuals who move around in a wheelchair. The application provides you with a map showing the places that you can use with a wheelchair, whether cafes, restaurants, banks, stations, etc., and this is based on previous experiences of other people who come in and say that this place can be accessed with a wheelchair, and you can also make an evaluation of the place in order to benefit others.
Miracle Modus
The Miracle Modus application is for autistic children and those who suffer from nervousness. It includes a group of colors and light effects that help calm and comfort the nervous system, and it also includes a group of soothing music clips that calm the nerves. All you have to do when you feel nervous tension is to open the application and you will find a screen with a group of colors. Click on any color and you will find a group of visual effects that appear to you along with some music to calm the nerves.
The Avaz application is also for those who suffer from autism, but it helps them learn pronunciation and encourages them to speak in very nice ways by displaying attractive pictures that make the child have a desire to pronounce his name, and gradually he begins to teach you complete sentences that you can pronounce easily. These sentences help the child deal with those around him, and the application creates groups that you can join, learn together, and enter into competitions with other people who also suffer from autism in order to encourage each other.
Listen at Home
The Listen at Home application is for those who suffer from hearing loss, and the application is very excellent because it begins with you by testing your sense of hearing in order to determine your exact degree of hearing. After that, it begins by specifying the course that you will take in order to strengthen your sense of hearing. After that, it recommends filters and effects for you that make the volume of the sound around you remain appropriate to your level of hearing.
In the end, it must be emphasized that people with special needs have greater ambition than anyone else, and a look of kindness and pity is not a way to help, but motivating him and providing helpful tools is what will make him happier.